The country is reminded about JP today as never before. There are` hopelessness and despair all around. Corruption has become a monster and people want change at all nation against corruption but could not translate the support into an organized movement for social change. This book will guide and inspire those who want to become the instruments of change. It is a moving history about JP-how he came into the movement despite his failing health. Noted poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar prayed to Lord Tirupati that rest of his life be given to JP to lead the movement Dinkar died in the lap of JP in Ramnath Goenka's house and thus was bom This book is about *The deep-dark period of autocracy(1975-77) in India.Those were months of draconian laws, extinguished freedom, Gestapo-type arrests, severe Press censorship, forced sterilization and abject surrender marked by terror of the minions and slavery of the elites police state *The return of the sunlight of democracy due largely to the defiance of a 73-year old Jaya Prakash Narayan a congenitally The Emergency was not only the defeat of JP and his movement against corruption, inflation and misrule, but also of the entire population that loved freedom. The state power of Indira Gandhi lost whereas the moral authority of JP won. *Vuinerability of India's institutions of governance and how effectively the President, Union Cabinet, Parliament, Supreme Court, Governors, State Assemblies, senior civil servants police and intelligence agencies and the Press were manupulated by a dictatriol PM and exploited by her unprincipled son. *new perspective on the movement in view of the classified papers accessed by the author.