Book Description
Covering human tragedies, especially of the magnitude of the ones that have befallen the country's commercial capital, is always a challenge for any journalist worth his salt. The 26/11 Mumbai mayhem - given the sheer audacity with which 10 Pakistanis attacked the city - was one of the greatest challenges.
The enormity of those unforgettable 60 hours, when south Mumbai was under siege by Pakistani Terrorists, necessitated a perspective to the worst - ever terror act perpetrated by Pakistan in post - Independent India.
In this book, an attempt has been made to explain how the 26/11 attack was different from the other terror acts witnessed in urban areas across the world in type, scale, magnitude, modus operandi and the extensive planning done by the Pakistan-based merchants of death. It has lift an inerasable scar in the psyche of Mumbaikars.