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Managing Your Manpower

Managing Your Manpower
Managing Your Manpower
Our Price: Rs. 150.00

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Book Specifications

Published Year
Books for middle management
Rupa & Co
Book Condition
Used Good
Condition Note
This used book is in good condition.
Book Binding Type
Paper Back
No. of Pages
19.5 x 13 cm
In Stock

Book Description

The most fascinating and often the most difficult job of the manager is the job of working with human beings. To be a successful manager, you must hire people you trust who will do their jobs well, and whom your customers will respect. Your skill as a manager is reflected in the efficiency of your staff. The training and direction you provide will do their obs.
This concise, easy-to-read manual describes the "how to's" that spell success in manpower management. Self-tests and check-lists throughout the book enable you to evaluate your ability in each area covered. Leadership skill depends on the performance of certain functions, which break down into five Ms of management: Men, Money, Market, Merchandising, and Methods.

Here are step-by-step techniques for improving your managerial performance in these areas.     

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