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The Acrobatics of CHANGE

The Acrobatics of CHANGE
The Acrobatics of CHANGE
Our Price: Rs. 150.00

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Book Specifications

Published Year
Moid Siddiqui and R H Khwaja
Response Books
Book Condition
Used Good
Condition Note
This used book is in good condition.
Book Binding Type
Paper Back
No. of Pages
21.5 x 13.5 cm
In Stock

Book Description

Change or Perish!' is a catchphrase that sums up all one needs to say about change. Change is a corporate need not just for thriving but also for a simple survival It assumes more importance because if change is managed without
understanding the genetics of change' and 'change dynamics' the chances are quite bright for, what is said, changed and perished. In 30 years of my corporate experience, the toughest task that I have found is managing change. I sympathise with those delegates who pay and listen to the so-called change experts from academics, who themselves have never managed change. 1 pity the readers who buy and try to collect change recipes from the cookbooks authored by theoreticians, who themselves
have never taken a single change initiative, let alone managing change!
Change Management' is a serious subject. It should be dealt with
Utmost care and seriousness. Change is not a dance-dance is rhythmical In dance, steps are predicted and predetermined. So book titles like Dance of Change do not appeal to me. Change is a thrill, excitement and adventure, which involves a high degree of risk and danger, where chances of failure are almost 50 per cent, if not more. Managing change is a game of
trapeze or a feat of acrobats. Hence the title of this book, 'The Acrobatics
of Change', is well thought out
Most of the publishers publish books written by world-renowned
personalities and which are huge money earners.

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