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Fifty-four people died in the avalanche that ripped apart a small New Zealand mining town. But the...
Eric Linklater, whose novels have ranged from Poet’s Pub to Juen in America, here takes for ...
Nora Tamasin travels in Australian to become the ward of lynx Herrick,, ruler of a vast empire in t...
To the wild tribes of the rivers territories Commissioner Sanders is policeman and father, judge a...
Our Price: 150.00
Fintan O'Toole is an acclaimed historian, biographer and critic. He is also Ireland's most respected...
Vivid and splendid. George Adamson and his seven lions live in a wild region of the Meru Game Reser...
Our Price: 250.00
‘What, you mean take all her clothes off her chest?’ the mother asked in horror. ââ...
Our Price: 195.00
SABOTAGE! The Victims Two of the most important oil-fields in the world - one in Canada, the oth...
Our Price: 450.00
"In the 1940s an armed task force infiltrated behind the invading Japanese army's lines and there ...
The word had filtered out that Sudden was dead and there was no one around to contradict it. Men, w...