The work appears in five volumes. Vol.1 comprises Buddhist and Jaina Philosophy and the six systems of Hindu thought, viz., Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Mimamsa and Vedanta. Vol. II completes studies in the Sankara school of Vedanta. It also contains the philosophy of the Yogavasistha, the Bhagavadgita and speculations in the medical schools, Vol. III contains an elaborate account of the principal dualistic and pluralistic systems such as the philosophy of the Paficaratra, Bhaskara, Yamuna Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Vijnanabhiksu and Philosophical speculations of some of the selected Puranas. Vols. IV deals with the Bhagavata Purana, Madhva and his school, Vallabha Caitanya Jiva Gosvami and Baladeva Vidyabhusana. Vol. V treats of the southern schools of Saivism, viz., Saiva Siddhanta, Vira Saivism, Philosophy of Srikantha, Saiva Philosophy in the Puranas and in some important texts.
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