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The Future of Cricket: The Rise of Twenty 20

The Future of Cricket: The Rise of Twenty 20
The Future of Cricket: The Rise of Twenty 20
Our Price: Rs. 150.00

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Book Specifications

Published Year
John Buchanan
Orient Paperback
Book Condition
Used Good
Condition Note
This used book is in good condition.
Book Binding Type
Paper Back
No. of Pages
21 x 14 cm
In Stock

Book Description

I found this book to be a more difficult task than I first thought. Initially it was to be an insight to this new phenomenon called IPL, and possibly some sort of diarised commentary that would roll out year after year. 

I collected papers, notes, statistics of games and data on the

economic impacts of the competition for India. In so doing,

I thought I could bring a touch of India, as well as the event itself, to people who know little or nothing of this amazing country. I began to read In Spite of the Gods in order to gain a better appreciation of the history and cultures that make up this land of contradictions.

I always tell friends or people who have not had the chance to visit India that they must do so - it should be on everyone’s travel destinations. Because even if you have seen the movie Shumdog Millionaire-which provides good insights to what you can expect of this country -until you arrive and hear, smell. see, touch and taste the confronting nature of India, no words, pictures or sporting events can do it justice.

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